
WDXD-LP,  also known as Tallahassee’s Hometown Country Station, depends on underwriting donations from businesses like your’s and individuals to defray operating costs, as well as equipment purchases and repairs. Unlike many other non-commercial stations, WDXD-LP does not receive funding from the government.

Underwriting is similar to commercial advertising, but differs in a few very important areas.

The FCC forbids announcements that issue a CALL TO ACTION. This means that statements like “stop in, shop here, call, call now, limited time only, mention WDXD-LP for a free item, etc. are not allowed. Underwriter announcements also may not contain QUALITATIVE WORDS. Qualitative words such as largest selection, newest model, best in town, finest selection, and state of the art are prohibited. Finally, announcements may not mention or give reference to PRICES. References such as free, sale, discount, clearance, reduced, going out of business sale, and liquidation , are also prohibited by the FCC.

Our Enhanced Underwriting Announcements:

  • identify but do not promote
  • do not call to action
  • use value neutral language
  • do not mention prices
  • can be produced in 10 to 30-second prerecorded announcements.

Enhanced Underwriting Announcements on WDXD-LP are recorded by WDXD-LP’s production staff.

  • Announcements may include information which identifies but does not promote the underwriter including:
    the name of the underwriter
  • the underwriter’s products and/or services
  • the underwriter’s corporate slogan (as long as it is not a promotional statement, like “Get Met, It Pays”)
  • the location of the underwriter’s business.
  •  the underwriter’s telephone number
  • the underwriter’s web address.

Enhanced Underwriting Announcements on WDXD-LP 101.9 FM may not:

  • be a commercial
  • include a call to action
  • use qualitative language.
  • mention any prices
  • endorse a product or service.

Why your business should underwrite WDXD-LP…

Your support of non-commercial radio is vital to maintaining the quality of programming and services you and other listeners in the Leon County area have come to expect from 101.9 FM, WDXD-LP.

How can underwriting benefit your business?

While underwriting is not commercial advertising, it can provide your firm with some of the same benefits plus some that commercial advertising can’t offer. Research indicates that Low Power radio is an excellent public relations tool. Listeners have a positive image of companies that support Low Power radio and report their purchasing decisions are influenced by such underwriting support.

Target and reach a select audience…

Because of the wide variety of programming done on WDXD-LP, the listeners are a diversified group of people who share many common interests and life-styles. WDXD-LP provides programs for groups ranging from most all ages, many of these age groups are ignored by the commercial stations. Senior citizens have above-average disposable incomes. They support businesses that support them.

Demonstrate your community concern…

Your support of WDXD-LP shows you are interested in contributing to the quality of life in Leon County and surrounding communities.

Expand awareness of your name and presence…

Awareness of your business is expanded each time you are mentioned on WDXD. Here’s the best kept secret- with our diverse program offerings, you will be able to reach more types of listeners than any single format station!

Enhance your business image…

Your image is enhanced by your association with non-commercial local radio. You will be joining other fine businesses that support our quality radio programming.

Tax benefits…

WDXD’s parent organization is Delta Star Radio of Florida, Inc.,  a non-profit, 501(c3) corporation.   Donations to non-profit, 501(c3) corporation are considered tax deductible, however, please consult your tax preparer or attorney.

Increase your opportunities for your business personal name !

Advertise your association with WDXD-LP,  Leon County’s first Low Power FM Radio Station. Advertising that your business is the sponsor of one of the many popular programs on WDXD-LP, or a station event, is an excellent way to increase the public’s awareness of your business. It is a strong statement about your company’s contribution to our community’s well being.

Where can you hear WDXD?

The map below is computer generated – as such fringe coverage may be slightly more, or slightly less than indicated by the map.